Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year, New Idea

So I finally decided on a New Year's Resolution, it came to me on Friday as I was wandering around outside for an hour waiting to get called back. Stop kidding myself. I came up with the idea because of him, but since then I've realised that it applies to a lot of people/situations in my life right now, so with any luck I'll actually be able to convince myself of it in a case or two.....we'll see how that works out......
That's about it for now, I've been sick all day, and will most likely be again tomorrow, I haven't been sleeping well at all, not falling asleep until 5 in the morning, and no matter how much sleep I get I still end up exhausted the next day. I'm going to try calling my doctor tomorrow to get an appointment (because I need a certificate because I missed an essay deadline by staying home today) and perhaps for once in my life they'll actually be able to figure out what's wrong, and help me get better.
Here's hoping,

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