Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hourglass figure FTW, except without the win

So I have a question, if society says there "ideal" is a woman who is tall, has large breasts, a tiny waist and hips why is it so bloody impossible to find clothes that fit if you come anywhere near this body-type? This query comes after I had a random energy surge and went through all my clothes giving away everything that I don't wear and/or doesn't fit. I realised that almost all my shirts have grown/were in the beginning too short. When shopping I find it extremely difficult to find clothing that fits me properly. Thank goodness for Bluenotes jeans, where they have different sizes in length and waist. I don't understand why no one makes clothes to fit the image every girl should "aspire to be", the shirts are always too tight at the bust, or too loose in the waist, and if they ever have stupid seams or lines that are supposed to go under your breasts, they *never* fit me. It's pretty damn frustrating. I have a shirt that says "I may not be perfect, but parts of me are pretty awesome" I think I should have one made that says "I may not be perfect, but I'm so damn close these clothes won't fit me". As for pants, they're generally *just* long enough, but they're too short as soon as I sit down. I'm too tall for regular stores, and not tall enough for stores like Tall Girl which make clothing for women who are taller than average. Even though they're pants are too long I *adore* buying my pyjamas from Tall Girl, because then they double as slippers ^_^ I also love having pants that are too long, because it's not often I come across them.

Sometimes I wish I was shorter, for the most part I enjoy being tall, but it's frustrating shopping for clothes, and every once and a while I see couples together where the girl is just leaning on the guy's shoulder and I think "wouldn't that be nice, too bad I'd have to find a guy who's at least 6' to do that". Now I'm not saying that it was a bad thing, but every once and a while I wondered how it looked to other people when Loud and I walked down the street, because apparently I've still been growing over the past few years, so by the end of it I was quite noticabely taller than him. I have nothing against short people, but I find it amusing when I notice just how much shorter than me some people are, because generally I don't find myself standing directly in front of people when I talk to them, so I don't notice the difference in height, but it seems that I'm a quite a bit taller than most of the people I work with, they ask me to get things down/put things back because they can't reach the top shelves, which seems odd to me, because I'm just so used to being tall, so being able to reach most things.

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